I promised in my recent trials-focussed posts (see links at bottom) that I would do an update of my practice and events experience riding the Electric Motion EPURE Race since I bought it 6 weeks ago. Remember, I’m new to this trials game and I’ve only done 4 events on the bike to date, so here is the story so far, and split into four main categories.
The things people have said to me about the bike:
1. Whilst waiting for my turn at a section and chatting to a 10 year old boy on his Oset electric trials bike, he said “That’s the bike I want when I’m tall enough for it”. I asked why he didn’t aspire to one of the petrol bikes, like his Dad’s Montesa Honda and he said “I’m sticking with electric, and I love the sound and style of them”.
2. The level of questions I get is different to 6 weeks ago. People have read about the bike doing the big championship events, have seen it on social media and are much more informed about the basics, so the questions are more specific like; “How heavy does it feel?”, “How does the mapping between the power modes work?”, “How does the power feed in?”, “Do you switch it off when at sections to save battery power?”, “Is a spare battery required?”, “What’s the difference between the 2022 bike and the 2023 bike?”’ “Is the brand name EM or EPURE?”, “Have you ridden it on the road to a trial?”.
3. “The lights are cool, and do you think they’ll be all right for night riding off-road?”.
4. “I’ll wait behind you in the section queue as the exhaust emissions are great in comparison to being behind a 2 stroke or 4 stroke!”.
5. An expert trials rider looked at the bike in a slightly resigned way and said “I think we’ll all be riding these bikes in the future, it definitely seems to be the way it’s going”.
6. “I’m so sorry!”. An apology from another rider who was checking out the section and standing in my path because he hadn’t heard me coming. Doh!
7. “I paid £12,000 for my new electric mountain bike recently and a small part of me wishes that I’d spent the money on an EM EPURE bike instead”.
8. “Ahaaa! Another EM bike! I’ve counted 5 of us this evening. Let’s get a team photo!”.
9. “Previously I was the only EM rider, so it’s good to have other EM riders to answer people’s questions”.
10. “I’ve been asking for an ‘adult electric bike category’ at my club as I was the only electric bike, so I would always be the winner, but now that’s changed”.
11. “I bought mine just before the promotional offer of the free EM riding gear, so you’re very lucky that you got all of that great, free kit”.

Stuff I’ve done:
1. I have now done 4 events. Two have been evening trials and two have been during the day. The North Yorkshire locations have been amazing, as has the weather and the people.
2. I’m still amazed at how inclusive and welcoming the events, the organisers and the community is. There is no status or hierarchy, just respect for others learning, trying stuff and having fun.
3. At a recent evening trial held by the Scarborough & District Motor Club (SDMC and link at the bottom, which was fabulously organised, so thanks!), the most challenging section for me was through some rocks. It also had a slalom at the end of it, and the last gate flags went through a wooden arch that had water being sprinkled from it, as well as bags of sweets hanging down to be snatched. This means doing several things at once like; getting through the last gate accurately, doing it as speed so I didn’t get very wet, and lifting an arm off the bars to try to snatch a bag of sweets. Multi-tasking in its extreme, and great fun!
4. I’ve fallen off it. Twice!…….but no bike breakages or damage, just a few bruises and skin loss.
The latest Pros’ and Cons’:
1. Pros’: It is super quiet and I can play in the garden and even the chickens aren’t scared of it, unlike the Bultaco, which they think will eat them. My friend and I put both of our EM bikes in the van and neither smelt of petrol! The battery range is amazing. I can tailor the power mode to my skill level and the section. It charges quite quickly and no slower than an ebicycle for example. Giving it full throttle (in a wide open space….) and in the top power mode produces a whopping smile. Not burning myself or my kit on a hot exhaust or engine. Being part of an early stage of a new moto-movement is very cool!
2. Cons’: Getting used to the throttle and power delivery. Remember, I moved from a 1978 350 Bultaco to this bike and they’re ‘night and day’ in comparison. The power delivery on the EM can be immediate and alarming for my skill level if used in the two more powerful modes. I’ve accidentally blipped the throttle on a couple of occasions and it’ll launch itself (and me) faster than I expect and can react with the clutch. I’ve counter measured this by rotating the throttle body back a bit and I’ve gone down to the lowest power level for sections that I find really challenging. I’m acutely aware of the speed that an electric motor can deliver its power.

Stuff I’m going to do next:
1. Master the power and throttle.
2. My bike has a V5 for road registration and I’m finding that Insurance is higher than a petrol powered bike because of its electric classification, which is obviously driven by the car sector. Apparently, and according to the big bike insurance broker that I spoke to, its more expensive due to parts availability, and that it is quiet, therefore the cause of more accidents (?!). They also said that I need to fit a speedo, which my bike doesn’t have, although it does have lights.
3. I’m going back to Inch Perfect Trials (link below) for a day of coaching with a group of friends. The level is intermediate so we’ll see how I get on with some expert advice.
4. Learn to ride it in autumn winter conditions. I’ve been lucky learning in this dry summer, so adding water to the equation will be interesting.

The first post I wrote about this bike https://diaryofamotorcyclingnobody.com/inch-perfect-trials/
The second post I wrote about this bike https://diaryofamotorcyclingnobody.com/emotional-engineering-the-electric-motion-epure-race/
Link to the Scarborough and District Motor Club https://www.scarboroughdmc.co.uk
Here’s a link to the Inch Perfect Trials site https://inchperfecttrials.co.uk