So, before I let rip with this latest story of my life with two Cannondale MXers, here’s something I heard in a play recently, and it’s about people’s stories, just like mine here. It goes like this; “A story is like an orgasm, in that only the individual telling the
My Cannondale MX400: Make that two!
A recent discussion with my Wife one evening went like this……. Me: “I’ve got myself another Cannondale MX bike, and it needs a full restoration as well! How cool is that?” My Wife: “Why do you need another one?” Me: “Because, because, because etc etc etc etc……” The conversation ends
The ‘Interesting Moto Interview’ – Nic O’Neill
I first met Nic when she asked me if she could use some of the content for her new project that I had written on my cycling site about bikes and kites, which I happily agreed to. This then led to further Messenger exchanges, which highlighted a number of other
My Cannondale MX400: Flawless performance status achieved!
Life with a Cannondale moto is a journey. Ask anyone who owns one, and they’ll confirm the roller-coaster-emotions of ownership. But hey! if it was easy and there were millions of these bikes made, everybody would be doing it, right? Anyway, here is the story of this year, AND it
The role of the van in the motorcycle world
I’ll start with a bold and maybe provocative statement here; The Day Van (not camper van) plays a bigger part in motorcycling life than we give it credit for, and motorcycling magazines rarely feature a van as being part of the story unless it’s showing off a new bike rack
A weekend with a Tiger. A Triumph Tiger 660 Sport.
Let’s start with the scenario and scene setter to this post. A Swiss friend of mine, Arnaud, decided to do a big road trip as a 40th Birthday celebration. This would involve a round trip of over 6000 kms/4000 miles on his Triumph Tiger 1200. The route would include Switzerland,
Motorcycle fashion/style: What is it in today’s moto-world?
I’ve been meaning to write about this Moto-Fashion subject for sometime, but for some reason, I’ve struggled to find my entry point, but then suddenly, I read this quote by Coco Chanel, and I suddenly had my start point. She said (in a great Franglais accent) “Fashion is not something
Life expectancy and the Jawa long track bike
About 3 years ago, I was listening to a presentation being given by a nutritional specialist, and she quietly delivered a fact that made me reach for the calculator immediately. Apparently, nutritional science and data is showing that if a person looks after themselves from a diet and exercise perspective,
This is a short post to explain why it’s taken me nearly two years to get my 2022 Electric Motion ePURE Race (I know, that’s still a mouthful for a brand and name) to a point where I’m comfortable riding it. I’m a rider of average capability on a trials
Race the Waves 2024
So, how does 4 days of exciting entertainment, in 3 different settings, sound as a proposal then? Add to this, the opportunity to meet friends that you haven’t seen since last years’ event (if you attended) and crucially, new friends that you’ll make throughout the course of the four days.
Bultaco on the beach, AGAIN!
I did the 2022 edition of the Race the Waves beach race for the first time on my ’78 Bultaco Sherpa, and you can read about it in the link at the bottom of this post. Such was the fun, I also signed up for the 2023 event as soon
Artificial Intelligence and a 1979 Honda XR80.
I like writing these posts. They capture a moment or two in my moto-life and allow me to be creative in text and images. I read something the other day about how AI is now embedded in the publication of all sorts of stuff from creating instructions on how to