Firstly, as an update from this first post, and after 3 years of MX400 ownership, things have moved on a bit, so don’t forget to click the Cannondale MX400 tab in the menu to enjoy my full journey to date when you’ve read this first one below👍 Back to 2020
It might get loud
Have you seen the film that bears the same title as this post? Yes? No? If not, you should. It has three of the most iconic guitar players ever; Jimmy Page, The Edge & Jack White, and it travels through their respective guitar times and lives. Whilst they’re all amazing
F@@k Me Pumps
The title to this post maybe familiar because it’s the title of a great Amy Winehouse track. It’s a song that walks through the possibilities of what happens when our shoes lead us down dark alleys and into shady dives. I’m taking a different approach to the title, one that
Scooters, and Hull, and Switzerland, and Thorngumbald.
I walk into the pub through the side door and am faced by a busy, but not packed bar room. This pub doesn’t have side rooms called things like ‘The Snug bar’ or ‘The Pool Room’, it is just one big room with a horseshoe shaped bar giving easy access
Heaven & Hell. My local bike shop.
This story starts and ends with the dirt on the ground. This dirt is special. It captures everything that goes on in this soulful place. Get on your knees and smell this dirt, because it smells of a blend of oil, aluminium, steel, iron, welding, fibreglass and maybe a hint
Introducing Bessie
Bessie was born in 1948, in Coventry, UK. She has a 2 litre petrol engine that can also run on TVO (Tractor Vapourising Oil), which is a mix of petrol and paraffin, and she is just one of the many innovations that her Father-designer, Harry Ferguson, came up with during