There are certain routines in life that occur fairly frequently, which you really look forward to, that don’t last long, and which you always look back on with fond memories, and I’m not talking about having sex here. I’m talking about bread. ‘Hmm’, I hear you say, what’s so special
The Mushroom Honda
In some parts of the world, the locating and harvesting of wild mushrooms is something that is (sometimes) passed down through generations, particularly in Europe, and specifically, Switzerland. The exact locations where the best mushrooms can be found are locked into secrets. The mushroom is taken for granted by many,
Chip Shop Elvis, wine and a baby Yamaha, somewhere in Switzerland.
‘There’s a guy works down our chip shop swears his Elvis…….’ Were the last lines of a song on the radio that we heard before we turned the car engine off. It was a good song by Kirsty McColl, that still resonates with people, even though it was released in